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We understand that you are concerned with which data we collect, and how we collect, use, disclose, or protect that information.

We may update this privacy policy from time to time, so, you are responsible for reviewing it periodically for an acquaintance of any changes that may be done.

Where ‘we’, ‘us’, ‘our’, ‘this website’, and ‘Inside Murchison’ are used, kindly refer to Inside Murchison Falls National Park (, a private website managed by EANDJ Uganda Tourism Consultants, to promote tourism services in and around Inside Murchison Falls National Park in Uganda.

Who We Are

We are a private entity engaged in Tourism and Hospitality business and services, based in Uganda, East Africa. For all legal requirements and clarifications kindly contact:

P.O. Box 35610 Kampala
Tel: +256 774 950 238

Our website address is

What information or data do we collect?

The information collected depends on the circumstance or service requested, and it ranges from personal to usability and accessibility data.

Personal information collected upon submission of one of our contact or booking forms includes: –

How do we collect information or data?

We may get your information when you contact us, place a booking, send us an inquiry, make a comment on one of our pages or posts, subscribe to one of our newsletters, register for or enter into one of our promotional campaigns, through cookies when you visit or use our website(s) or apps, link to or from our website(s) or apps, connect, follow, like or share any of our content via our social media profiles, or when you call or direct contact one of our travel consultants.

We may also receive your information from third parties, in such scenarios as: –

We will also keep updating your information whenever necessary to keep it up-to-date, accurate, and complete. You, therefore, agree that we can use your personal information obtained through the above means for purposes of providing our services to you or improving our services and products for your own benefit.

Why do we collect, use, hold or disclose your information?

We mainly collect personal information and data for the purposes of providing satisfying and quality services or improving our products and services. We may therefore collect, use, hold or disclose your information for the following purposes: –

Who do we disclose your information or data to?

Depending on the circumstances, we may disclose your information in the following situations

How do we protect your data?

Depending on the situation, your data is mainly kept in our online secure databases and secure cloud services like Google and Microsoft. Our databases are secured with Two Factor Authentication (2FA) security procedures and are only accessed by our designated online and data management staff.

We also store offline copies of files, for data collected via telephone conversations or for services already delivered or administered to our clients. These are necessary for regulatory requirements and compliance with local laws and regulations, such as auditing.

What data breach procedures do we have in place?


P.O. Box 35610 Kampala
Tel: +256 774 950 238

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